A joint statement was recently released by nine T&D switchgear manufacturers taking the responsibility to deliver switchgearsT&D equipment free from SF6 gas and PFAS-gas(Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) to ensure truly sustainable power grids.
For the last 5 decades or more, the SF6 has been contributing to the reliability, efficiency, and resilience of power network equipment. However, looking at the fact that SF6 has a global warming potential over 25,000 times higher than CO2, it becomes imperative that necessary action must now be taken to limit the emissions of SF6 and to install new equipment that uses safe, non-toxic, and clean alternatives.
The nine companies including Meidensha Corporation, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, ILJIN electric Co. Ltd., Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc., Nuventura GmbH, Schneider Electric SE, Siemens AG, and Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG have announced today that the companies presented the joint statement to pursue the development of switchgears for power grids using natural-origin gases as alternatives to sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) known as a potent global warming gas.
In the present statement, as measures to prevent global warming, it will be significant to develop switchgears using natural-origin gases, such as a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, and carbon dioxide and oxygen, as alternative electrical insulating gases to SF6. The companies are disseminating the positions to power grid operators and government officials all over the world to promote technological innovation toward the practical application of switchgears using natural-origin gases.
The joint statements also welcome all T&D Equipment manufacturers for their involvement in achieving this objective towards building clean and sustainable power grids for a climate-neutral future.
The nine companies will contribute to the realization of climate-neutrality and sustainable clean energy networks, which are being promoted around the world, by developments of switchgears using natural-origin gases and product supplies.
The nine companies that have signed the joint statement with the name of the CEO are published in the following photo:
Photo from the joint statement of T&D equipment manufacture PDF (SIEMENS website news section)