Compact switchgear consist either of AIS or of a Combination of AIS and GIS called MTS .
Also have one switching device directly connected to, or sharing components with, one or more other devices
The following examples illustrate some possible compact switchgear assemblies. Since there are many possible solutions the types shown below are for indicative purposes only.
Type 1: Assembly of independently operated switching devices and/or devices which are connected by short connecting parts on a common base frame (similar to a conventional substation design).
Type 2: Assembly of independently operated switching devices and/or devices sharing parts of the neighbouring switching device or device.
Type 3: Assembly of independently operated switching devices and/or devices being integrated in another switching device.
In left figure shown an example for type 1 compact switchgear and in middle figure shown an example for type 2 and right figure shown an example for type 3 switchgear.
DS: Disconnector
DS1a: Part a of Disconnector 1
DS1b: Part b of Disconnector 1
CB: Circuit Breaker
ES: Earthing Switch
CT: Current Transformer
VT: Voltage Transformer
SA: Surge Arrester
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