Photo from IEEE Std C37.122.2
- Inspection of impact recorders provided by the manufacturer, preferably after arrival of the GIS at site
- General assembly inspection
- Gas leakage test
- SF6 moisture and air content test, at least for parts of the GIS that had to be filled at site
Equipment list check - Nameplate check
- Component device check
- Point-to-point wiring check for wiring connections done on site
- Control system functional test
- Voltage test on main circuit with 80% of the power frequency voltage test values
- Voltage test on control wiring for wiring connections done on site
- Overall appearance inspection
- Current transformer primary or secondary current injection, polarity verifications, ratio tests,saturation tests,
- Insulation tests, and secondary winding resistance measurements
- Voltage transformer ratio tests
- Verify phasing: primary and secondary
- Electrical and mechanical interlocking
- Circuit breaker contact resistance test
- Circuit breaker timing tests
- Circuit breaker mechanical operation tests
- Disconnect switch and ground switch operation tests
Inspection report should be provided for each GIS section and for the entire assembly.