This device can monitor an detect the following according the below picture:
- SF6 :
For measuring of SF6 gas density a special sensor is used. This sensor also can measure the temperature of the gas also monitors the SF6 leak rate and calculates last date to refill. - Mechanical operation:
close and open operating times,primary contacts separation speed, damping and over travel of contact,detects deterioration in mechanical performance (friction,corrosion, breakage, spring fatigue, wearness of linking and rods, and damping defects) - Recharging motor operating time:
motor supply voltage, current and energy,motor or limit switch defects,spring travel. - Hydraulic operatingmechanism:
pump motor operating time,internal and external leakage,threshold pressure on hydraulic system - Switching:
current during breaking, primary contact wear,arc time. - Auxiliary and control circuits:
operating coil continuity,coil current, voltage, resistance, armature
time and energy,auxiliary supply voltage,heater integrity.