- Selected rooms are far from groundwater and flooding.
- Easy access for operation, transport and firefighting services
- Walls, ceilings and floors must be dry
- In, over and under the rooms containing switchgear, the piping for liquids, steam and combustible gases should be avoided
- Room dimensions must be appropriate to the nature, size and arrangement of equipment
- The escape route from exit doors must not be longer than 40 m
- Inside surfaces of switchgear room walls should be as smooth as possible to avoid dust deposits
- The floor surface must be easy to clean,pressure-resistant, non slip and water resistant
- Steps or sloping floor surfaces in switchgear rooms must be avoided in all circumstances
- The rooms must be sufficiently ventilated to prevent condensation
- In areas with heavily polluted air, the rooms should be kept at slight positive pressure using filtered air.
- In conventional switchgear installations, the arcing faults can create considerable pressure in the equipment room. Using pressure-relief vents can avoid any probable damage to walls and ceiling resulting from excessive high pressure.
Photo show a example of MV switchgear room by POWINS company.
Does a medium voltage (5kV) switchgear room require non-conductive walls, ceiling and floor?
As a routine, they do not non-conductive the inside of the walls, the ceiling, and the floor for medium voltage switchgear room at all, but in front of the switchgear (at the location of the operator), they put a suitable insulating floor according to the voltage of the switchgear.